Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Points and Lines

Points and Lines


Ball becomes the focal point to "finish" the structure.

Rim of the cup forms a point signifying entry or purpose.
Two points are linked together and signify purpose of that point.


Also has structural lines supporting

Horizontal, vertical, and structural lines.

Horizontal lines creating vertical lines, drawing the eyes up


Vertical lines draw the eye up while structural lines support the focal point.

Vertical lines create dimension outside the building.

Vertical lines mixed with horizontal and structural lines. 


These diagonal lines add support to the structure.

These diagonal lines add aesthetic appeal to an otherwise boring sidewalk. 

Lines of the car create organic lines.

Shadows create organic lines that are ever changing.

Organic lines and point could be used to describe this structure.

The lines create a structure for the base.

This horizontal line creates structure as well as the vertical lines around the door.

Implied lines interest me because I feel there really is not a need for them, yet they are placed where they are for aesthetic appeal or decoration. These place mat lines break up the blocks of color, for no other reason than that.

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